
Youth Services Insider


Some Intercountry Adoption Agencies Face Massive Hikes in Regulatory Costs

Intercountry adoption advocates fear that the fee structure planned by a new State Department accreditation contractor could threaten the operation of the largest American placing agencies. The fees required by the Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME), a recently formed nonprofit that now serves as the sole accreditor for international adoption agencies, are pegged to the number of children placed instead of a fixed structure.


An International Analysis of Child Welfare

This dissertation examines the determinants of international variations in child welfare. It focuses on the relationship between child welfare and the distribution of power in societies, using a composite measurement called the “holistic child welfare index.”


How Does Foster Care Work?: International Evidence on Outcomes

“How Does Foster Care Work?” is an international collection of empirical studies on the outcomes of children in foster care. Drawing on research and perspectives from leading international figures in children’s services across the developed world, the book provides an evidence base for program planning, policy and practice.


Improving Outcomes for Children and Families: Finding and Using International Evidence

Significant amounts of money and resources are spent on child and family services, so successful evaluation of whether or not they are achieving the best outcomes is essential. This edited collection offers an international perspective on the challenges of designing and undertaking outcome-based evaluation of child and family services.