
Safety is Security


Safety is Security

There are plenty of people who were deprived of safety in their childhood. I was one of them, writes Samantha Little.


Safety Science is Good for Aviation, But in Child Welfare, it Won’t Fly

In child welfare, genuine safety science demands a method that can spot the errors in all directions, including wrongful removal, writes Richard Wexler.

The Disruptive Impact on Sibling Relationships in Foster Care


Finding Safety Through Roots

It's important that young people of color in foster care find a safe space to learn about their cultural identity, writes Nelly Braxton.

After Experiencing Abuse, Safety Can Become a Contradiction


After Experiencing Abuse, Safety can Become a Contradiction

I feel safe when I am with those close to me. But, the comfort they provide is fleeting because I am constantly on guard, writes Luna Busch.

The Safety Net


The Safety Net

Jazmine Anderson writes in this poem about how safety can sometimes be what you make it.

How to Break Past Trauma of Foster Care


Where I am from

Ashley Calderon writes in this poem about what she identifies as her origin and home after experiencing homelessness.

    Stockholm Syndrome


    Safety Isn’t Real

    Youth Voice Writing Contest poetry finalist Tierra Lamore writes about how safety can be a social construct.

    Safe Me


    Safe Me

    Youth Voice Writing Contest poetry winner Marqueishia Jackson writes about what safety looks like to her.

    Pursuing Peace Instead of Packing Prisons


    Through Rose-Colored Lenses

    Youth Voice Writing Contest essay winner Jessica Castillo writes about how safety can sometimes be with a foster youth's biological family.